Category: Chapters in Linux

  • Using perl to convert short urls (shortened urls) into long urls

    Perl is a powerful and useful programming language. It has been largely popular for it’s string manipulation, speed and ease of using. Perl is one of my favourite languages of choice. It suits best for small programs which needs to one thing but do it best. When I was writing a software to analyse twitter…

  • Change man pages to text file, pdf file

    Sometimes it is really handy if you could convert the manual pages in unix/linux to formats that can help you read them outside the terminal. The most useful formats are text formats and pdf versions of file. To change the man pages into text file: Open Terminal and type the following command (If you want…

  • Run Programs in Terminal and still use it

    So, when you work in Linux terminal you might have noticed some essential things that you would like to have in it. Linux terminal is the most powerful application running in Linux. It can do anything that you can ever think of. But when you start an application like firefox and after that you would…

  • Exploring the file system

    The file system is the collection of files and the hierarchy of directories on a system. I will now escort you around the file system. Open the terminal and change to “cd /” root directory, and then enter ls -F to display a listing of its contents. Among the list I will tell you about…

  • The Debian Linux

    There are many factors to consider when choosing a distribution; however, everyone’s needs and opinions are different. In actuality, most of the popular Linux distributions contain roughly the same set of software, so the distribution you select is more or less personal opinion. Debian is a powerful GNU/Linux distribution created by Ian Murdock in 1993,…

  • Linux File systems

    After you come to the world of Linux, things are quite different. The file systems used by windows are very few and yet they are given little emphasis while you are installing windows. In Linux choosing correct file systems is crucial. Some file systems are not Linux native and are not used to install Linux,…

  • Linux partition

    Even before you think about partitioning in Linux you must know what it is. Where you will find your drives and what are the possible problems. Well, Linux is installed in a folder called “/” or root folder. From there all other sub folders or drives can be accessed as a folder only. For example…

  • Your Hardware and Linux Installation

    After you get Linux, you must have to know a little more about how things work in Linux even before you think about installing Linux into your system. About planning I don’t think there is anything to tell you. Any pilot will tell you that the landing is just as good as the takeoff. The…

  • Obtaining Linux

    So, where do you get this free thing? OK, I understand that after you learn about Linux you would like to get one huh! Good. Somebody said, “Best things in world are for free”, don’t know what he is talking about but ye you are true if you are talking about Linux. Most Linux distros…